August 24, 2011

Watering with music

I have a couple areas that don't have irrigation and have not been watered all year. This hand (hose) watering takes a couple hours, as I do a deep watering very occasionally. I made this much more enjoyable by listening to music on my ipod. Why hadn't I thought of this before?

August 22, 2011

Harvesting scarlett runner beans

Ate the first beans Saturday - a little later this year. We are enjoying the beautiful screen the plants make, and watching the hummingbirds who love these plants. The hummingbirds have many flowers to feast on throughout the garden.

Recent garden activities - watering, deadheading and weeding

Most of my gardening time seems to be taken by watering pots and plants that don't get enough water from irrigation (often blocked by another plant).

I also do the occasional walk through with my action hoe to get little weeds that crop up. I usually find some larger weeds that had been hiding. Then I need to walk through the perennial beds with clippers to deadhead spent flowers and groom dried up foliage.