October 23, 2010

October chores

Scrubbed pots from spent annuals and tomatoes. Stored some non-stop begonia bulbs in vermiculite (after letting them dry out in the storage room for a couple weeks). Still enjoying a couple others on the porches that are in full bloom, so obviously will wait to store them.

Discovered that I did get some "hairy" seed pods in my hairy balls plant. I dug it up and put it in one of my cleaned-out pots. I will move it to the storage room when it gets colder, as it is zone 8 and we expect a cold winter. I also moved the Elephant Ears plant to the family room so it will be a house plant for the winter.

My passion flower was not performing (no flowers for two years), so I lost patience and moved it to a less desirable spot, next to a tree on the back hillside. I planted a clematis in its place that Patsy gave me (she didn't have a sunny enough spot for it in her garden).

I dug up and potted a couple hardy fuchsia that are a bit more tender (Jim Fairglo) and put in storage room. Also moved the red banana and two Angel's Trumpets into the storage room. I'm glad it is such a large room, as I will have a lot of plants in it.

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