October 11, 2011

Angel's Trumpet mishap

The wind blew over my largest Angel's Trumpet, and the pot broke. What a mess! So I spent a couple hours this morning cleaning it up. The plant got a good root pruning before moving into a new pot. I usually prune in the spring before bringing outside, but this plant got its roots pruned early. I cut the branches back about halfway (a little more than usual) and moved the plants into the storage room.

I'm going to think about a creative way to use the large broken pieces of pot. I've seen some interesting uses in other gardens, but I want to think of what might work well in my yard.

I'm moving things into storage. I've moved my tuberous begonias in, after letting them dry out. I will cover them with vermiculite to store for the winter.

I am going to clean the leaves of one of my elephant ears plants and replace the top layer of soil, then will move them inside the house for the winter. Hopefully, they won't bring many insects in. I will store another plant in the storage shed to see how it does over the winter.

I repotted some abutilon plants into smaller pots for overwintering. Almost time to bring them in too.

John changed the tubes in one light fixture in my storage room to full-spectrum lights. I will try to remember to turn on and off regularly to give the plants a boost.

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